A review by theoguinto
Screwed by K.M. Neuhold


I liked this book much better than the rest because I felt like it actually had more conflict as opposed to being almost purely fluff.

I love how Ollie and Daniel represented opposite ends of the love spectrum. Ollie being in love with love, and Daniel being opposed to any sort of serious romantic relationship. They had entirely different ideals, but still ended up with almost an almost identical history of having shitty relationships.

The way that they slowly rubbed off (ha) on each other, learning lessons that allowed them to reflect on why their relationships in the past had ended so poorly, was so satisfying and sweet to read. The fact that they were physically attracted to each other but couldn't deal with the emotional aspect was a very nice source of romantic tension.

On the other hand, I really didn't like the way the other couples were portrayed in the story (particularly Cole and Stone, with Everett and Watson to an extent too)

The scene where the guys had their new hire hit on Daniel in front of Ollie was really a shitty move on their part. I get that they didn't buy the truth of the marriage, but that's not something that normal, respecting friends should even come close to doing. It really made me feel like the guys didn't respect Ollie (which was kind of touched upon previously with their ribbing of his failed relationships, but those jokes at least existed within the realm of friendly joking, even if it was a little mean)

I wish that they'd had to do more groveling to ask for forgiveness because the way Cole and Stone acted afterwards could only be described as casual (when it really should've been a more emotional scene)

Everett and Watson basically being MIA despite supposedly being present in all of the get-togethers was also disappointing. Between Cole/Ren's direct relationship with Ollie/Daniel and Stone/Dare's loud personalities, Everett/Watson's couple dynamic (of which I struggle to name) didn't really come through. The author really should've given them something to work with. I mean Ollie was the guy Everett first came out to, shouldn't that mean something about how close they are? Daniel and Watson both seem to have an interest in fashion/art (Daniel's suits and designing, Watson wearing bow ties and being a music teacher) couldn't they have struck up a friendship over that?

Complaints about toxic friends aside, the romance between Ollie and Daniel was really sweet and well paced. There was a lot of confusion on both sides because they kept on giving each other signals about not wanting to continue the relationship after the bet, but deep down actually wanting to keep it and that was fun to read. Def my favorite out of the 4 books.