A review by jmbibliolater
29 Seconds by T.M. Logan


I won this book in a giveaway :)

29 Seconds by TM Logan is one helluva revenge plot full of little twists and turns that will keep you guessing from page one.

The story is told in 3 parts plus an epilogue all from Sarah's point of view.

In Part One, Sarah, a single mom with a philandering, absentee husband, works under the prestigious Dr. Alan Hawthorne. The university and the public love him. However, Dr. Alan Hawthorne is not the man the public believes he is. Dr. Hawthorne is a closet sexual harasser. He preys on his female employees and holds their careers over their heads. He is a vile, creepy pervert and you guessed it...he has his warped eyes set on Sarah.

Dr. Hawthorne is the WORST character I have read in a long time. I loathed reading the scenes between Sarah and him. He humiliates her and belittles her. He steals her leads and passes her over for promotions. And his "friends", aka the Dean and the HR Director, are just as bad. They are in a full out good ole boys' club. I give T.M. Logan all the credit in the world for writing that disgusting jerk.

After Sarah rescues a small child from abduction, her already tilting on its axis world turns upside down. Dr. Hawthorne's harassment gets worse. Her husband won't answer any texts or answer any phone calls. And she is being stalked by a blank faced man....

This is where I have to stop, Reader. I do not want to divulge too much detail. Divulging will lead to spoils and this review needs to stay spoiler free for your best interest.

So why only three stars? I really struggled to get through Part II. The plot became a bit too redundant and unrealistic for my liking. There was too much back and forth could possibly be condensed. There are also not enough twists and turns to keep my interest (until the very end of it). I totally realize I am generalizing here but remember...NO SPOILERS!

At the very end of Part II and for the rest of the story, my mind was back into 29 Seconds. I love the ending - how it ends, the key players, the plot twists, Sarah's pure determination. Sarah takes control of her situation and does what she has to do. It's original and well thought out. Revenge could not get much sweeter than that.

ONE MORE THING....Part III has a few scenes that are really painful to read as a woman. Although there is no rape, it comes extremely close to crossing that line. Spoilerish or not, I cannot write a review without some type of content warning. It gets pretty rough.

For more including a short paragraph on my recommendation, visit www.jennifermitchellbooks.com after 10 am EST on 09/05/2019.