A review by ashkitty93
Looking for Calvin and Hobbes: The Unconventional Story of Bill Watterson and His Revolutionary Comic Strip by Nevin Martell


A nice little book about a fan's odyssey to uncover the history of one of his idols. I'm a huge fan of Calvin & Hobbes as well and it was nice to hear how passionate someone else is too; after all, we're talking about a comic strip which has only ever existed as such -- there have been no plush dolls or other merchandise -- and which ended nearly TWENTY YEARS AGO.

I have to blame my dad for getting me hooked on Calvin when I was in middle school or high school; I always loved the comics like Beetle Bailey, Garfield, Baby Blues, Family Circus, Peanuts of course, and Zits. Dad had copies of Something Under the Bed is Drooling and Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons, which I devoured. From there, I checked out the 10th Anniversary collection from the school library and I've been hooked ever since. I now own three treasury collections plus a few of the other Calvin & Hobbes books, and I'm dying to get the Complete Calvin & Hobbes.

Looking For Calvin & Hobbes is definitely a good addition to my personal library shelf, even if Martell never got to meet Watterson. It serves as an excellent reminder about determination and sticking to your guns.