A review by riverlasol
The Alchemyst's Mirror by Liz Delton


Happy release day to this fun book: The Alchemysts Mirror. I got to read an arc of this and I enjoyed it, although there were a few things I would’ve loved to see explored more deeply. Specifically, I would’ve loved to see more of the character’s inner thoughts and feelings. It was very plot focused and the plot was definitely very exciting, with many turns that I wasn’t expecting at all, but I’ve realized that depth in characters is one of my biggest wants for any book. My pet peeve is when a book is too plot focused and this one wasn’t super bad in this respect, but like I said I definitely would’ve loved to get to the know the characters even better than we got to. Overall, if you love plot focused books that deal with alchemy, this might be the book for you! It is available today on Amazon and it’s free on kindle unlimited.