A review by lizisreading_
No Land to Light On by Yara Zgheib


This is the story of Hadi and Sama, a young Syrian couple building a wonderful life together in Boston and awaiting the birth of their first son. One night, Hadi's father passes away suddenly and he leaves America to bury his father. Upon return a few days later, Hadi's papers are suddenly no longer valid thanks to Executive Order 13769. Hadi is denied re-entry despite having truly everything in order. What follows made me want to scream.

Hadi and Sama spend the rest of the book trying to navigate the ban placed on Hadi, despite him doing absolutely no wrong. Frustration is not the word I'm looking for when describing how this book made me feel. I don't know what the word even is. The hope present in this book was almost painful because family reunification is more of a dream than a reality for so many.

This is a must read. Zgheib draws comparisons of our main characters to birds throughout the novel. Birds' migratory patterns reflect the basic needs of humans in so many ways, yet humans are very much denied these basic needs. I cannot do this metaphor justice, so please, read this.