A review by 5hadow_girl
Meat by Michael Bray


For those of you that really pay attention - you know WHY I started reading [a:Michael Bray|2301413|Michael Bray|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/authors/1348580334p2/2301413.jpg]. When I looked into his books, I knew that [b:MEAT|16192864|MEAT|Michael Bray|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1354369185s/16192864.jpg|22114261] had to be one of the first books of his that I read. Growing up, I would spend my summers in the country with my grandparents, and the local grocery store there was a Grueber's! The store is still there, but it has since changed into Buschs. Now I'm left wondering - was my Gruber's a specialty market? Did it pick up and move on to serve the special clients in another area? Possibly. I'll be sure to watch things a little more carefully from now on, because if I'm ever in need of some specialty meat - it had damned well be fresh & free range!!
That's what caught Garrett's eye as he was strolling down the isle - the sign advertising today'special …
Grueber’s Free Range human foot!

White male left foot,

Pre washed and ready to cook.

Delicious, hot or cold!

He thought that was a bit odd, to say the least. This quick stop at the market had just turned into an experience, that if he made it out alive, he was sure he would never, ever> forget.

I especially liked the direction that the author went with the characters. Human nature, my friends - It bites ya in the ass.

I found a cool alternate cover on Amazon, too...
image: description