A review by fipah
Infinite Ground by Martin MacInnes


I just can't. DNF at 55%

This is so lacklustre. Very verbose. Many statements, short sentences. He did this. He went there. He thought that. Many dreams, imaginations, ponderings. Over and over again. Varied eerie allegations and concepts that could be very intriguing are just thrown in haphazardly, without further development and abandoned without any sense of hope that at least later in the book they would be addressed. Despite the fact the inspector has no name, for me, this had none of the uncanny enthralling atmosphere of [b:Annihilation|17934530|Annihilation (Southern Reach, #1)|Jeff VanderMeer|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1403941587l/17934530._SX50_.jpg|24946895]. Nada.

What stroke me was that the narrative often invented illogical conclusions and turns – though the author introduced them slowly, first as a thought, later in dialogue once, then twice... and eventually these became hard-wired truths the characters accepted and behaved in relation to. Like what?

Everything is super hazy and even though interesting concepts are introduced a few times, nothing really happens and the conflict feels pretentious – I just could not take anything seriously. Everything felt vague and boring and lacking any direction.