A review by wealhtheow
The Heart's Companion by Holly Newman


Jane is beautiful and rich, but a relative's mistreatment has left her jaded and emotionally closed off. She and her spinster aunt Elspeth retire to their relative's country estate to take care of two little boys. While there, the infamous Earl of Royce rescues first Jane from a thorn patch, then the boys from various misadventures. But when Jane's scheming relatives come to visit, the Earl feels moved to rescue her yet again. And as he and Jane work together to thwart others' dastardly plots, they each come to realize there is more to the other than expected.

I didn't much care for this: for someone supposedly capable Jane is terrible at handling children, constantly injures herself, and shrieks a great deal. The Earl was just too artificially crafted, from his oh-so-sad neglectful parents to to his oh-so-sad-but-totally-not-his-fault dead son. The schemes that threaten Jane are absurdly overly complicated, and worst of all, the villain of the piece confesses all in front of a number of disinterested witnesses, then conveniently gets taken out in a totally blameless way. It's all too calculated for my taste. Still, it's not poorly written and Newman shows at least a basic understanding of Regency England; if it sounds like that's damning with faint praise, then you don't yet realize how far above that sets this novel above most other novels out there today.