A review by sndmaldo
Inside The Maelstrom: Part Two by Grace McGinty


Okay, don’t take me wrong, the conclusion to this story was satisfying, and several plot twists even made me gasp. I’m utterly in love with the vibe of this world and I think that’s the problem. I was so invested, that made me have some complains, too. So allow me to vent a little bit, please lol

Personally, what I need in a RH is for each relationship to feel important and for all the guys to be equal and share the same amount of time with the MC. In this case, I felt things were unbalanced, especially with Evans.

I wasn’t sure about him in the first book, and apparently my gut instinct was right. He didn’t really fit in the story or the romance. At least for me. I couldn’t see the chemistry with Aviva, or the bromance with the other men, who were extremely close together. It felt more like they accepted his presence to keep her happy, and that’s not very appealing.

And still, he got more scenes with Aviva than any of the other three guys. I understand the idea was to spend more time building up his relationships and making it make sense for him to join their family. But honestly? It didn’t work for me. Which sucked, because I couldn’t care less about him and I had to read 3…4? smut scenes with him. Meanwhile Otto barely shared any screen time with Aviva and only got one smut scene in the whole duology. Sampson didn’t get that much time, either. And they were my favorites. Which made me sad and understandably frustrated.

And on top of all that, Grace McGinty wrote a fade-to-black orgy scene that I’ll never forgive her for lol There aren’t group activities in these books, not even with the MC and the two guys that are together. What a wasted opportunity. She wrote such interesting dynamics and never got to explore them fully.

Other than that, I actually loved this duo. I know I mostly complained, but that happens sometimes when you adore a series and it’s almost perfect.