A review by caitlinhorstman
We Love You, Charlie Freeman by Kaitlyn Greenidge


This is a story about a African American family who is chosen by a research institute to raise a chimp as a member of their family and teach him sign language. You later find out that the institute has a history of performing thought experiments on black people without informed consent. It's a pretty weird premise, but I liked it. It definitely explores race, and also touches on other ideas such as loneliness, animal rights and sexuality.
One of my favorite parts is when the old white lady benefactor if the institute writes a letter to the African American people "apologizing" for the wrongs committed against the black race LITERALLY ON HER DIME while also saying that she can't be held accountable because she was too depressed to check on the depraved-ass doctor that she hired to work for her. For me, it drove the point home that we have a responsibility to our fellow humans to be (at the very, very least) informed and involved.