A review by herbookish_obsession
Foreverland by Nicole C. Kear


Margaret’s life has been flipped upside down. Her best friend is becoming so distant. Her family is falling apart and she doesn’t know how to handle this situation. In her mind her only option is to run away.

So she does just that. The place she runs away to? Foreverland Amusement Park.

I mean who wouldn’t want to spend a night at an amusement park?

Up until now, Margaret’s had a relatively happy childhood. But middle school is changing everything, her best friend has become distant, and even her family is completely falling apart. She doesn’t know what to do and after some deliberation she decides to run away – to Foreverland Amusement Park. She meets another runaway boy by the name of Jaime whilst adventuring her favourite place. One of my favourite parts of the story was learning about the new mysterious runaway and I really enjoyed watching them go on adventures together. However Margeret soon begins to get homesick and she doesn’t know whether sticking around to learn Jaime’s story is better then going back to the place she has called home for so many years. The question is What will she decide to do? Stay in Foreverland with Jaime, or go back home to her family?

I enjoyed reading about how Margeret overcame fears such as sleeping in a Haunted House or running away from some “bad guys” but as the story continues Margeret starts to realize that running from home was not the best idea. The thing is Jaime is mysterious and she has an inherent need to know more about him seeing as they both have secrets they are trying to unfold. Will Margaret ever go back to her family? Or is her curiosity in Jaime’s story going to keep her in the park?

The two start to hang out together, going on rides, eating food provided by Jaime’s connection Belle, and keeping a low profile. Of course, since the authorities are already looking for Jaime, this is difficult, and when Margaret runs into her former best friend Priya’s family, she knows that her time in the park won’t last forever but first she wants to help Jaime make peace with his past so that he can leave the park as well.

This was a truly enjoyable middle-grade novel that pulled at my heartstrings. I think this book will be great for students to connect with – it has very realistic characters and real-life issues that most middle schoolers can relate to. Life issues such as losing friends and facing problems with your family. It’s perfect for kids who enjoy amusement parks and are on the more youthful side. I cannot wait to get my own copy so my brother can enjoy this story too!

Thank you so much to TurnThePageTours for having me on yet another tour and collaborating with the publisher to provide a free copy of this book for review VIA NetGalley. I always enjoy working with your lovely team and look forward to doing so in the future.