A review by corrie
Death Wears Yellow Garters by Rae D. Magdon


Death Wears Yellow Garters has plenty going for it. Jay and Nicole are newly in love and the first night Jay gets to meet Nicole’s family there is a tragic murder that puts everybody present under suspicion. Enter Jay’s colorful aunt Mimi (she of the brightly colored handbags and shoes) to put the whole Fox family ill at ease with her in-your-face method of amateur sleuthing. With this real Agatha Christie style whodunnit plot there is plenty to keep us guessing until the big reveal.

f/f explicit

Themes: Mimi’s little terror poodle Tinkerbel is the star of the story, aunt Mimi’s amateur sleuthing made me feel as uncomfortable as it did Jay, you doubt your own girlfriend? Shame on you! The plot looked very familiar, very Christie (who poisoned over 100 of her victims in her books), it did not blow me away but was entertaining enough.

3.8 stars