A review by candacesiegle_greedyreader
My Father's House by Joseph O'Connor


It's excellent news that "My Father's House" is the first novel of the Rome Escape Trilogy, because you'll be aching to learn more about Father O'Flaherty's team during World War II. In 1943 the Germans had invaded Rome, and an increasing number of people are taking refuge in Vatican City, one fifth of a square mile of neutral territory. Father Hugh has already been told by those higher up to stop any resistance, but he does not. His team consists of a British Ambassador, an Italian Contessa, a Roman newsagent, A cockney fixer, and a Dutch writer. The Italians and non allied members are vital because they can move about Rome while the others are confined to the Vatican boundaries. It's a tight fit, but they manage to smuggle escaped POWs and threatened Jews to safety.

Fr. Hugh and members of his Choir (they originally met pretending to be a religious singing group) face a smart and ruthless Nazi Obersturmbannfurher Paul Hauptmann, who is receiving threats from Himmler to stop the escapes or else. The stakes are high for everyone.

"My Father's House" is taut, smart, and so very hard to put down. Since it is based on fact, the story is even more affecting. One great read.