A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Academy of the Forgotten by Eva Chase


Ever since I read the first book by Eva Chase I fell in love with her work. She has the unique talent to really bring a strange world, within our own, to life with words. Apart from that she writes layered and unique characters. And after I finished the Royals of Villain Academy last week, it was now time for my next book by her. And since this was the only paperback I had left (more are on the way) I picked this one up without even reading the blurb.

And once more does Chase prove that she can create an amazing atmosphere and setting. This entire book takes place in a castle and Chase really brings the castle, the woods around it and the mystery of it to life. Ever since we stand in front of the gate I got this shill rolling down my spine and that feeling only grew stronger and stronger while reading.

Chase also throws us right into the middle of the story. She doesn't explain things that the characters don't feel like explaining. Of course, that's partly to protect the mystery, but it also helps to make their thought patterns seem natural. Because let's be honest, we're not explaining ourselves in our minds either. I love how she offers us more pieces of the puzzle every time and the closer I got to the ending, the more I moved to the edge of my seat and just didn't wanna stop reading any more.

It also helped that the characters were really interesting and that the romance was a slow burn. I personally like it when characters bond before something happens, it helps me to connect with the characters and to actually enjoy them growing closer. And these characters have a lot of secrets and a lot of things they want to keep hidden for the world and each other. It's therefore even more fun to slowly see more and more of them.

And after the ending of this book, that was just really amazing, I can't wait to read the next book in this series! There are so many questions I need answered and so many thrilling curses that need to be broken. But, the next book isn't out yet. I'm gonna try and wait as patiently as possible.