A review by sapphicsolace
The Girl Next Door by Chelsea M. Cameron


arc provided by publisher through netgalley


I think the best way to describe Cameron's The Girl Next Door is as a quiet summer romance. Not a lot really happens, the focus being on the characters more than anything. The story focusses on Iris returning to her hometown after being unable to afford living in Boston, and she reconnects with her next door neighbour, Jude. They strike up a newfound friendship and later a romance, partially finding solace in the other being the only other queer person they know in the tiny beach town they grew up in.

The best way to describe the Girl Next Door is as something simple. There isn't much conflict at all in the book. Other than Iris being desperate to move back to the city and Jude rejecting her own feelings for Iris due to personal tragedy.

I would say overall I enjoyed this book. It's an easy to read romance. There were a few things that didn't work for me. I personally don't think the chemistry wasn't developed enough for there to be satisfaction when they finally kiss. The conflict they are both experiencing also almost takes a backseat where I don't think it could've impacted the plot as much as it could've.

I also felt that when we found out about Jude's tragedy, it was an emotional whiplash. I think it would've worked better if we the audience had found out about it sooner than we had. That's more of a personal gripe as I don't like it when tragedy from the past is just thrown on me as a reader. I think knowing about it sooner would've made Jude's intentions make more sense rather than it being treated as a footnote when she has come to terms with the tragedy. I think that took away from the book and the wider potential to Jude's character.

I'm happy to see Chelsea M. Cameron get a traditionally published sapphic book as I've read and enjoy all of her f/f books. I will continue to read her books, but I don't think this is exactly a standout in her catalogue. I would still recommend it as I see people enjoying this more than I did. If you're a fan of quiet romances, I would recommend it. If you're a fan of Cameron, I would also recommend it.


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