A review by ubalstecha
The Seduction of the Crimson Rose by Lauren Willig


The Seduction of the Crimson Rose follows two characters from Willig's previous instalments of her Pink Carnation series, namely the jilted Mary Alsworthy and the dark and pouty, Lord Vaughn. Mary desperately wants another season to catch a husband, now that her sister Letty has stolen her best prospect. Lord Vaughn has to repay the Pink Carnation for a favour. In exchange for the money to finance said season, Mary agrees to be bait for the Black Tulip. But as the two work together, they begin to develop feelings that may complicate the situation for everyone.

I liked this book far more than I should have. Willig has done something interesting in this book. She has taken two characters that are seen as manipulative and self-centred in previous books and makes them sympathetic heroes. The complications thrown at the romance are typical regency romance, dead wives returning, family disapproval and other suitors, but by making these two characters compelling enough to carry the story, Willig proves that she is more than a regency romance writer.

Good addition to the series.