A review by jenne
Half Life by Shelley Jackson

Did not finish book.
Okay, so this won the Tiptree award, which is usually a good indicator of something interesting.

And it is an interesting idea: that there are a lot more conjoined twins in the world (because of radioactivity or something), so they've become a vocal minority like gay people.

Except that this is pretty much the ONLY idea in the book, and sure it's fun to imagine all the many, many different aspects of gay culture that could apply to conjoined twins, but you can't write a symphony using just one note.

Also, she seems to be a victim of Look-At-Me-I'm-A-Writer! syndrome. For example:

"Once, I plunged my right hand wrist-deep in a red ant den. Blanche did not move or cry, though a sun boiled at the end of that arm. I was the one who yanked out the swollen pentapod, brushed off the myrmidons sleeving our forearm in fire."

Jeez, lady. Calm down.