A review by ajam
The Wandering Earth: Classic Science Fiction Collection by Cixin Liu



I had previously read 'Of Ants and Dinosaurs', 'Mountain' and 'The Wandering Earth'. At the time, my excitement was immeasurable and hardly contained that I dived straight into his [b:The Three-Body Problem|20518872|The Three-Body Problem (Remembrance of Earth’s Past #1)|Liu Cixin|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1415428227l/20518872._SY75_.jpg|25696480] (Remembrance of Earth's Past Trilogy) and read them all back to back. After a year of hiatus, and a significant lack of some good [a:Liu Cixin|5780686|Liu Cixin|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1454974329p2/5780686.jpg] in my life, I decided I had better finish this. And I am not disappointed. Here's hoping to get around to more of his published works sooner than later.
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The Wandering Earth - 5★
Mountain - 5★
Of Ants and Dinosaurs - 5★
Sun of China - 4.5★
The Wages of Humanity - 4★
Curse 5.0 - 3.5★
The Micro-Age - 3★
Devourer - 4★
Taking Care of Gods - 4★
With Her Eyes - 3.5★
The Longest Fall - 3.5★
