A review by fipah
The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling


2 stars = it was meh, rather skip this

It indeed is very, very debut. The debute-ness is very palpable.

Not recommended – even though the premise has the [b:Annihilation|17934530|Annihilation (Southern Reach, #1)|Jeff VanderMeer|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1403941587l/17934530._SX50_.jpg|24946895] uncanny relationship between the protagonist and the company that sends her to a dangerous natural setting i.e. a cave, the final execution does not bring about any uncanny atmosphere at all. The writing is very hmmm normal? Elated even? Too human. Too everyday. Too your-gal-friend diary-like. The author simply misses the varied options for creating an eerie atmosphere and motives.

The other issues:

1.) The text is literally just a woman exploring a cave system, most of the time. In detail. This could have been condensed. The intriguing motive does not buttress the story enough to keep you interested.

2.) The motives of the two main protagonists are mostly ridiculous and pathetic, unfortunately. Can't spoil this for you though. This further kills the quality of the book.

3.) Nothing of the uncanny gets explained. Nada. No revelation. The uncanny occurrences are also executed in a way they actually are not scary and by the time they come up for the fifth time, you are sure not to be afraid or surprised because you already anticipate that the author will somehow make them safely disappear.

4.) There is a super cliché and trite and unreal love story. No please. No. Super cringey.

5.) 1st person narrative would suit this better I think, it would highlight the uncanny pacing.

6.) Unrealistic beyond-human performance of the protagonist and a few drama-queen moments that just do not work.

Not recommended, though the premise is amazing. Amazing.