A review by english_lady03
A Name Unknown by Roseanna M. White


I wasn’t sure what to expect from this book, but I enjoyed the last series, and the premise of this book sounded very interesting. I’m happy to say that it delivered in almost every way. Rosemary, and the eccentric recluse (who of course turns out to be the author of adventure novels), Peter Holstein were both wonderful, well-drawn characters with realistic flaws and strengths. Londoners are known for being rough tough and often brash, and I think Rosemary’s character portrayed this very well.

I also found the historical background and details interesting with Peter’s German ancestry and connections, and the parts about Rosemary’s life in London. The landscape and landmarks of Cornwall were also well-used in the story, not just dropped in, but used as the basis and backdrop for various scenes. There were times when immersed in the audio version I was almost able to forget that this was written by an American, it came across as so natural. Always a good thing with British Fiction I think.

Almost. There were only a few bloopers in the story, but sadly, they stood out. One was the characters calling the King’s son and heir ‘The Prince of England’, or ‘The Crown Prince of England’. The heir to the British throne is called the Prince of Wales. This has been the official title for the last 700 years, and pretty much everyone in Britain ought to know that. Also, Rosemary describes her unofficial guardian and adoptive father as a ‘Barkeeper’. I’ve never heard of the person who runs a pub being called that before. They’re usually called a Landlord, and there is a difference between a pub and a bar in Britain.

Aside from that though, I loved this story and how the faith elements were worked into it. The whole matter of Rosemary and her siblings being professional thieves might be a bit of an issue, that one hopes can be overcome or addressed. I understand in the next story, it's more related to espionage as a necessary evil. I look forward to reading Willa the violin prodigy’s story in it.

I requested a PDF of this book from Bethany House via Netgalley and purchased the paperback. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions expressed are my own.