A review by paracosmere
Special Forces - Veterans by Aleksandr Voinov, Vashtan, Marquesate


Welp, that was it, we've finally arrived at the end, a whole twenty five years of their lives. I'm somehow really glad that it's all over.

During the earlier parts, I still couldn't shake off the feeling of always getting so pissed off whenever these two got separated especially when they're together with some of the other guys. I still believe Vadim's got screwed up when he was made to fall "in love" with Hooch while Dan continued to fuck around but it's fine cos he didn't love them, fuck that. Man, I could go on and on about this issue and I won't tire of arguing about it.

I'm all for the pain and heartbreaks and all that shit but at the end of the day I just wanted the assurance that both MCs end up together with no stranglers coming along for the ride.

But I managed to ignore and endure the ugly bits for my own sanity. Trying the best mental gymnastics I could muster to best enjoy the story as much as it could offer. I'm all team monogamous Dan and Vadim.

Luckily, mercifully enough, we got a happy ending these two definitely earned for more than two decades. If I'd been at that wedding I'd be bawling my eyes out for hours. Thank you authors, for granting them that.

I can't even write a proper ending for this review. Words seem to be failing me more and more when it comes to this series. All in all, I liked this far better than Mercenaries. And since I won't be getting over these military men soon enough, I'll gonna jump over to the spin-offs to get my fill in the meantime.

And, oh yeah, I coincidentally finished this on their wedding day, January 21st. I consider that a big W in my books.