A review by amberinpieces
Hidden Wives by Claire Avery


Sara and Rachel are teenagers living in a large family within a self-proclaimed fundamentalist polygamist sect in Utah. They are past the regular age for marriage, which is twelve or thirteen years old. Their father, Abraham Shaw, takes the girls to visit Prophet Silver to find out if any men in the community have had testimonies of marriage regarding either of the half-sisters. One man has had a testimony for Sara…her uncle, her father’s half-brother. Sixteen men have had testimonies for beautiful Rachel, who is slightly older than Sara, so any marriage plans for Sara will be put on hold until the Prophet can determine which of the sixteen men had a true testimony for Rachel. In the meantime, a new family joins the community, bringing along a handsome teenage boy, Luke. Sara and Rachel become fast friends with Luke, who is completely against this “cult”, and Rachel and Luke develop strong feelings towards each other.

After learning of the testimony, Sara begins to doubt her religion. Out of the sisters, she is the most well-read and the most “wordly”. Until recently, the girls attended a nearby public school and Sara learned a lot in books, so with the addition of Luke to the community and with Sara increasingly becoming a target of her father’s violence, she realizes the major flaws in her lifestyle and yearns to get away from it all.

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