A review by aarnireads
Meet Cute Diary by Emery Lee


Look, I get that Noah is a little brat who has clearly been spoiled and now that he has to do things on his own - well. But teenagers tend to think they know everything and can do everything: teenagers like Noah are still learning the world and themselves, and relationships and all. Sure, I am not trans and I am not a teenager anymore but I remember what it was like.

I thought this book was very cute but also an entertaining look into one boy's journey and growth into being just a little bit less selfish and having a wake-up call he desperately needed.

Spoilerlisten, i cheered when he and drew broke up because holyshit it was painful. Neither of them were good to each other or right for each other. Noah prioritised his dumbass tumblr-blog over actually caring about Drew as a person and Drew cared little for actually communicating and well, liking Noah as a person. Devin is mature and sweet and too good for Noah but maybe that's what Noah needs.

Sometimes you just need the one thing that makes you go huh, I've been going about this the wrong way entirely and I think Noah did get that. If he hadn't grown at all, I would have been much more annoyed by this book lmao.
the whole point of the story was that Noah had an idealized image for a relationship and for a life, and he needed to be snapped out of it. 16 is very young, but also old enough to start realizing that the world doesn't revolve around you.

sidenote, yes the stories in his blog were obviously fake, but also.. people see what they want to see. It made sense to me that people would flock to it, especially if most of the followers were young and hopeful. And that Noah would get an inflated sense of ego from it - honestly, if you're under 18, your internet time should seriously be restricted. Lmao.