A review by devonforest
Liar by Justine Larbalestier


I started this book really looking forward to it. The summary sounded interesting. And for the first half of the book, I was really enjoying it. And then comes the big plot twist- she’s a werewolf. Now generally, I am not opposed to werewolf books, however, that was not what I signed up for when I started this book. It just didn’t seem to flow. I get that (depending on how you interpret the book) it can be seen as a metaphor for mental illness, but it didn’t work. It felt so out of place. And the ending didn’t give much resolution. Again, I like books/movies that are open-ended and make you think about what really happened, but this didn’t work. There were just too many questions left unanswered. I think the idea behind this book was a good one, but poorly executed.