A review by saba_gul_
Shades of Doon by Lorie Langdon, Carey Corp


Here I am, back at it again with another Doon series review. I had high hopes for this book, and to my 'surprise', they were not yet. Here's a list of complaints:
1. To be honest, the reason I picked up the third book was to see what happened to Veronica after her little incident in the first book, but nooooo. The authors skimmed over it, almost as if it was an afterthought that they had to include to continue the plot where it left off.
2. Queen Lynette's necklace. I personally thought the necklace could have been dragged out a little more, possibly done some more harm to out 'precious' Veronica, but that's my opinion.
3. What is going on with this weird time travel thing. I thought that once you were a Doonian, you couldn't leave, and the only exceptions were Veronica and Mackenna due to their magical rings. Why are Jamie and Duncan suddenly able to time travel with them, and also to their convenience??
4. The high school dance / charity thing was a big bust for me. I saw no point in it and no one cares about Eric and Stephanie anymore, since they were OnLy MeNtIoNeD iN tHe FiRsT tEn PaGeS oF tHe NoVeL.
5. Adelaide is one the worst witches I've seen. In the previous book, she was an old, wrinkly hag and now suddenly she's this stunning vixen in a red dress with a youthful appearance. Nuh uh. Thank you, next.
6. Lastly, I bring up one of my favorite things to see in books (sarcasm implied), the ever infamous, 'prince does all the hard work while the woman sits there and does nothing'. Every time something bad would happen, Jamie and Duncan while Mackenna and Veronica sat their like idiots and complied with their every word. I'm not kidding. Jame and Duncan would tell the girls to wait there while they saved the day, and Veronica and Mackenna just NODDED THEIR HEADS LIKE WELL TRAINED, COMPLIANT DOGS. DOGS. Ugggghhhhh.