A review by franceroni
The Rejected Writers' Book Club by Suzanne Kelman


This is a lovely book about, as the title already gives away, a "Rejected Writers' Book Club", consisting of some elder, or let's say middle-aged, women. Given certain circumstances, they have to go on a road trip from Southlea Bay to San Francisco, which turns out to be a really adventuresome trip.

I never thought that I would enjoy this book about crazy (in a positive way!), rejected ladies as much as I did. The characters were totally amiable, all of them a bit quirky, and very unique. I often found myself silently chuckling or just smiling at my phone (as I was reading it on my kindle app) while reading. Apart from the characters I also loved the choice of settings: Southlea Bay, which is basically a small town on an island, where people like to help eachother out, then the athmospheric house in the mountains, San Francisco, and also the short "digression" to a village in south England in the end. So finally, the story: At first I was a bit unsure, I mean, the ladies wanting to be rejected and all, I just didn't find it very realistic. But while reading on and getting to know the characters better, I totally understood why they didn't want their books to be published, as for them it was all about their club meetings and not about success at all. That made them even more charming in my opinion. What I loved especially was Gracie's story in the end.

This book was an absolute comfort read, which I could imagine very well to be read on a sunny afternoon in the garden (if only I had the time to read a whole afternoon, and it was summer or at least spring already...) and I would definitely recommend it.

I'd also like to thank NetGalley, Suzanne Kelman and Lake Union Publishing for providing me this free ebook!