A review by simsbrarian
Doctor Who: Darkstar Academy by Alexander Armstrong, Mark Morris


Nothing to really recommend this one but it wasn't so awful that I couldn't listen to it. The reader was solid but no great accents to report.

The story is rather simple: The Doctor screams in the Tardis as he gets visions of a devastating "time slip" which threatens to unmake time itself. So, he, Amy, and Rory land at what appears to be a 1950's style boys boarding school...where the prefects carry guns
and are attacked by spiny crab-like creatures who seem set to kill any and every one except for one awkward and bullied boy that Rory befriends. The Dark Academy is actually In Spaaaace and is a futuristic space attempt at recreating an old Earth boarding school which is guarded by robot prefects for some reason. The monsters are all created by a future version of the boy Rory befriended who apparently copied the Doctor's tardis and went back in time to seek revenge on all his old bullies.
The story is nothing new, the characters do nothing remarkable and there isn't even any great Doctor Science moments; just a few of his "Oh, didn't you know? These are THESE and this is because of THIS" lines/scenes. It just falls flat; not much of interest or intelligence in this one, just lots of running, screaming, fighting big crab-spider things.