A review by efram
Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't by Simon Sinek


Leaders Eat Last's rate of responsibly progressing golden five stars depicts my strong recommendation for the totality of the book. I have personal high regards with Sinek's self-helps for they help me view things from the root cause into its tangible external view. I admire how this book maximized the effects of elements within our body to present leadership. I will proudly recommend it to every unsatisfied and discontented employee.

The strengths of the book are its affable and friendly writing style that reduces any form of exhausting imposition, creating a chill but meaningful reading experience, humorous and modern referencing that brightens complex subjects while establishing deep and profound connection with the reader, and lastly is a well-researched interconnection of scientific data, military experiences, business application, and historical context. The only weakness I found is its repetitive usage of some concepts.