A review by victoriakleinco
Moving Inward: The Journey to Meditation by Rolf Sovik


Thanks to Yoga Teacher Training, I’ve been discovering some of the best books I’ve ever read. Case in point: Rolf Sovik’s Moving Inward: The Journey to Meditation.

Once you get past all the woo-woo aspects of what meditation can be and/or what you may experience, the logistics of getting comfortable + spending time sitting in stillness is enough for most people to skip it all together. Rolf’s book does an impeccable job of breaking down those logistical barriers (read: excuses) that stand in the way of enjoying meditation + all its benefits on a daily basis.

From finding a comfortable seated posture + breathing diaphragmatically (easier than it sounds) to truly relaxing before meditating + using the breath and/or a mantra as a point of focus during meditation, Rolf’s writing style is easy-to-understand + graciously supportive.

If you are interested in some of the more subtle aspects of meditation, Rolf also touches on the 8 limbs of yoga, active + cognitive senses, mulabandha, systematic relaxation, yoga nidra, prana vayus, nadi shodhanam, the 3 main nadis, maya koshas, and chakras. If that list sounds entirely foreign or mildly intimating don’t fret - Rolf explains everything in an easy-to-understand way that you can embrace or set aside.

Whether you are brand new to meditation, have been meditating for decades, or anywhere in between, this book is a must-read to help you step into the practice of meditation or take your practice one step deeper.