A review by bridgets_books
A Christmas Wedding in the Cotswolds by Lucy Coleman


Lucy Coleman takes the reader on a delightful journey with Immi and Gray as fate conspires against them and their wedding plans.

While this book works fine as a stand-alone, I think it would be nicer to read Christmas at Lock Keeper’s Cottage first. The main characters begin their romance while snowbound in a cottage last Christmas.

The setting is beautifully described and makes me wish I could visit the area and its residents sometime soon. The book has a calming, ethereal feel to it, even though there are ups, downs, and plans are continually changing. There is an important lesson to be learned about trying to do everything yourself. We all need help sometimes and the residents of this rural area are most helpful. The community is what makes this book so special. It has a delightful small-town vibe that is hard to find in today’s busy world.

The pacing is perfect for this type of story. You need to take your time and absorb this Christmas tale at an easy, unhurried pace to get the most out of it. Some stories cannot be rushed.

I hope to read more from this author and these characters soon.