A review by themezzaluna
Terms and Conditions by Lauren Asher


I went into this book blind to the plot, but motivated by the countless praise I saw on twitter. The day I bought it, I was actually looking for The Fine Print, except there wasn't a physical copy at the store so I found myself googling Terms and Conditions instead to make sure I could read it as a standalone. So I brought it home 4 days ago and, to my mother's desmay, finished it and am ready to move on to my next read "way too quickly" as she put it.
This book was unexpected in lots of ways. First and foremost because it made me laugh. Truly, I was laughing out loud before I knew it. I'm not sure why I was so surprised at the humour in it, but maybe it's because very few books tend to get an actual real laugh out of me. This one did, more than once.
Second of all, I feel like when you see people talking about a specific book online and they all focus on the romantic aspects of it, you tend to forget that the characters exist as individuals as well and not just as a pair. This book isn't just about Declan and Iris. It's about Declan. And Iris. Together as well as seperate.
I say this because the book didn't just focus on their relationship but also on their individual struggles, hopes and dreams. The dual POV is great in this aspect.
I loved reading about Iris's struggles and homelife and how she grew and overcame them. I loved reading about Declan's worst fear and his ultimate decision to be better. It was beautiful.
Admittedly, Declan did rub me the wrong way in some instances, but that also made him a very nuanced character in a way, which I'm grateful for.
Iris was my favorite. The epitome of strength, kindness, selflessness and intelligence.
I was really surprised at how much I related to her in some ways, and in awe of her ability to keep going and achieve everything she wanted.
As a couple, Declan and Iris seemed to me, at some point, utterly terrible for eachother.I felt like there was this unhealthy codependency bewteen them which translated into Iris always coming when Declan needed anything at all, consequently disregarding her own needs and wishes, and Declan being so certain that she would always come that he didn't even think about her well being. I'm glad they did break that cycle and managed to find a way to depend on eachother while also setting and respecting boundaries.

Overall, this was a really fun read and I can't wait to read The Fine Print.