A review by chainynkr
The Lady Adventurers Club by Karen Frost


A group of very different women meet at an Egyptology lecture in the early 20th century, and form The Lady Adventurers Club.
This was a fun thrill ride of a story, with mystery and car chases. The scenes of different cities in Egypt, complete with some of the unrest of the time, enhances the storyline, the characters, and the stakes of the chase.
The turn into fantasy at the end was a little jarring, though it had been hinted at throughout. But I actually enjoyed it once I went with it.
My biggest issue of this book is the way Anna and Clara interact. Anna comes on incredibly strong to say the least. But it leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth how she crosses boundaries with a "I know you'll love it once I show you" attitude. This is especially true since the women talk about the culture of men acting entitled and abusive. Although there is a happy resolution, I couldn't shake my bad feeling through the end.
All in all, a good read. I would recommend for the excitement, the taste of history, and the characters themselves.
Thanks to NetGalley and Bella Books for the review copy!