A review by stefhyena
Murder, My Suite by Mary Daheim


The gender roles in this book are so regressive I am amazed that doormatty Judith is allowed or able to solve the mystery. The book starts with two really depressing chapters where she is constantly browbeaten by her mother (who even causes her to miss a well-earned meal) her horrible husband and her guests. The husband has a history of cheating, but gets angry at her for being suspicious and insecure (with some reason) and thinks its "good for her" to stew and feel awful. Ie he is an emotional abuser (as is the mum). We are expected to believe that Judith is able to run not one but two businesses when she is not even assertive enough to charge guests for damage they cause or put some boundaries in place.

The mystery itself was ok- twisted and turned in the right places and although it had unlikeable characters and some rather big stretches of believability on the whole it was decent mystery- neither too obvious nor in any way "cheating". The action as it unfolded in some ways reminded me of something like Nancy Drew it was fast-paced and urgent which was good. There were a lot of descriptions of food in the novel which I think is ok (if overdone...but since this was back in the 90s maybe not as much back then). There was some benign xenophobia in how one of the foreign characters was portrayed (it was meant to be comedy but it was lame as was the sexual harassment that was also overplayed for laughs I couldn't summon up). I was horrified when Judith's cousin Renie caused a three car accident and the only problem with this scenario either cousin had was the trouble she might get into.

I didn't like Judith's motivation being "competition" with Joe, or the fact that she constantly beat herself up about it (with the help of Renie) finally choosing modesty and tact at the end.

So two stars for keeping the plot moving and a better than average puzzle but not an author I am keen to read more of. Oh the cousins were shopaholics too. :/