A review by novelinsights
Updraft by Fran Wilde


I really enjoyed this foray into Fran Wilde's unique and fascinating Bone World series. In this world, humans' primary method of transportation is flight, using wings that seemed like more advanced and moveable hang gliders, and they live in towers grown of bone high above the clouds. The worldbuilding here was great, and though the plot was admittedly somewhat predictable, I didn't really mind as the writing propelled me along. I'm left with lots of questions about the world--what exists on the other side of the cloud layer? Is there some sort of animal connected to the live bone of the towers, and will it eventually die? Are there other cities out there like this one? I'm hoping the next books in the series will start to explore these questions more; I'll definitely be picking them up. (Also, can we make an open world Breath of the Wild style video game out of this?)