A review by dinoqueenreads
The Sweet Spot by Bella Matthews


please note that the trigger warnings and topes/themes may contain spoilers
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
HEA: yes
POV: dual 1st person POV
spice: several open-door spicy scenes
TWs: adoption, anxiety, career ending injury, death from Huntington’s disease, divorce, panic attacks, parental abandonment
Kinky Content: anal play, dirty talk,  “one more”, oral, praise, phone sex, public sex, spanking
standalone: book 4 of Playing to Win series
final thoughts: Brynlee’s Secret Thoughts at the beginning of her chapters were SO GOOD
This book took me a minute to get into and wrap my head around since I read it as a standalone and needed to keep reminding myself of the family tree (located at the beginning of the book). There are a LOT of characters but they each add such a unique element to the story.
I love a strong FMC who can hold her own, and Brynlee was definitely that girl. As a daughter of a MMA champion and owner of several MMA degrees/belts/whatever, there was no question that she was a badass.
Deacon was a sweet, protective MMC who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to fight for it.
The banter had me laughing out loud and the family dynamics were so fun to read about. I’ll definitely be reading more from Bella Matthews!

read this book if you love

😬 angst
👦 boss’s daughter
🍿 (local) celebrity
💞 childhood crush
🥵 dirty talk
💬 epistolary
😳 forbidden lovers
🏝️ forced proximity
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 found family
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 great side characters
🤫 hidden secrets
💘 instalove
🧠 “it’s always been you”
🛏️ “it’s just a fling”
😏 kinky
💖 marriage of convenience
💞 mutual pining
💍 “my wife”
👩‍👦 nanny
🥰 nicknames
🔀 opposites attract
😜 jealous, possessive MMC
🙏 praise
🤐 secret relationship
👩‍👦 single parent
💓 slowburn
🏡 small town
🏒 sports romance (hockey)
☠️ “touch her and die”
🌍 world building
💼 workplace romance