A review by books_ergo_sum
Discourse on Colonialism by Aimé Césaire



Stuffy nonfiction, this was not. If you love sarcasm and cutting social critique and you hate colonialism and white supremacy—this is your book!

There was so much that I loved in here:
✨ this book did not hold back—it was so sarcastic and we read colonialism for filth
✨ the whole “Who Said It? Colonialism-Apologist or Literal Nazi?” joke throughout—because these people were absurd and they needed to be called out
✨ there was a very post-WWII, reckoning with fascism and extreme racism part to this 1950s book that felt extremely relevant to our ‘does this moment rhyme with the early 1930s?’ anxiety
✨ how history has proved him so right that post-colonialism should involve some amount of Marx (even though Marx was being critiqued for his Euro-centrism at the time)