A review by sickofgames2013
Eight Dates by E.M. Lindsey


I will admit I don't know much about Jewish holidays aside from the ones I've read in EM's books. I thought it was interesting to learn about Chanukah, and to learn the different ways to celebrate that holiday.

I really felt for Ben, his brother decided to set him up on eight different dates so maybe he wouldn't be so lonely anymore. However, after the first few dates, Ben's starting to wonder if his brother's 'gift' was more of a punishment than a gift. Although it's not all bad, because the person who has helped him get out of those horrid dates is Nova.

I truly enjoyed reading this book, I'm not used to there being so many laughable moments in a book by EM, although I'll be honest, those scenes that make you giggle are also scenes that make you wince simultaneously. I have know idea how the author came up with so many characters for each of the eight Dates, I loved how they took the time to do that. To make those moments believable and realistic.

The relationship that developed between Nova and Ben was so sweet, and so special. They formed a unique bond after they first met, and from that moment on they grew feelings for one another. I loved the slow burn! As much as I wanted Nova and Ben to go on their own date, I liked how EM wrote Nova's character. How Nova wouldn't take Ben on a date until he finished his eight Dates. I liked that aspect, if not only added another horrid date for Ben to go on, but it also made the moment when Ben and Nova got together that much sweeter.

Overall I really enjoyed this book, and I highly recommend you to read this book!