A review by viktorian
Contraband Hearts by Alex Beecroft


Pros: Basically everything—interesting plots outside the romance, a rich and detailed setting, multifaceted and on point characterization that added to the story, and most of the side characters were interesting, too. (Also, Zuily is the best.)

Cons: I can't pinpoint what it was; I think it was truly a case of "It's not you, it's me," because despite all of these great elements, I just wasn't shipping it that hard. This is the time for the shrug emoji, because I really don't know why. I liked them? It's not like it was instalove or a case of "I'd rather A be with C than B." Really, not a clue here.

Librarian/Reader's Advisory Note that might be a little spoilery:
SpoilerI would recommend this as a good possibility for someone just starting out with m/m romance, especially you don't know how comfortable they'd be with ~special time scenes~, because 1) there aren't many of them, and 2) the ones that are featured aren't very detailed.

tl;dr: Don't bother with my cons. The pros are where it counts, really.