A review by holtfan
God's Harvard: A Christian College on a Mission to Save America by Hanna Rosin

To be fair, enough years have passed since I read it that I barely remember this book. It was brought to my attention again, though, by a friend's reccomendation.
I couldn't remember it well enough to give a review, I just remember getting ticked at the author. While I don't trust my own words, then,I do trust Michael Zeller. For those Gen Jers who are familiar with him, this is what he said about the book:


God's Harvard is little more than a poorly researched op-ed on modern evangelical culture. Her philosophy of writing seems to be that the way to get a good picture of a sub-culture is to take the most extreme people, caricature them, and then say, "this is the way these people are, aren't they weird? Now buy my book."


Sorry, I had friends who were mis-quoted, mis-characterized, and mocked in "God's Harvard" so I am a bit sensitive about anyone using that book as an authority. "

I would thus NOT reccomned taking this book at face value.