A review by bibliophilebookclub
Housebroken: A Horror Thriller by The Behrg


Also on bibliophilebookclub.wordpress.com

I was given a copy of Housebroken to review by Maxine over at BookLover Catlady.

I have no idea where to start with this book! I started it on Friday at lunchtime, and I finished it last night (Saturday) after spending the most part of the evening racing through it. I guess that's a good sign.

Goodreads describes Housebroken as follows:

"It was a kidnapping, but in all the wrong ways. No ransom, no demands; there was nothing they wanted--other than to observe."

When Blake Crochet and his family are taken hostage in their own home, they are forced to act out their everyday lives under the observance of two psychotic kidnappers. Each moment Blake must pit the decision to follow their captors' rules against the potential catastrophe of a failed escape.
He soon learns that the consequences of both action and inaction are more terrifying than he imagined. As Blake's life erodes beneath him, secrets come to light that threaten to destroy his family before their kidnappers have a chance.
Secrets carry consequences too.
As the motives behind the kidnapping are revealed, Blake must sacrifice everything to hold on to the ever-shifting definition of what his family has become. In his battle for survival, he will face the ultimate consequence: for to fight a devil, you may have to become one yourself.

I hadn't heard of this book before I started it so I had no idea what the premise of the book was. Once I started reading it, it quickly became evident that it wasn't your run of the mill kidnapping book. Imagine being housebound by two maniacs, just to be observed!

Blake and his wife Jenna, along with their son Adam have recently moved into a beautiful mansion in LA, however, happiness hasn't followed. There is obvious strain in the marriage, and this begins to become more evident as you get into the book. A stranger appears at their door, and their life is changed forever.

I don't want to go into the plot, but the only way I can describe this book is that it's one of the most brutal, screwed up books that I have read in a long time. There is violence (serious violence!!!), murder, torture, psychological abuse and so much more in Housebroken. For want of a better phrase, it's an assault of the senses!

12 hours after finishing it, and I'm still thinking about it! Housebroken is adrenaline pumping action mixed with the creepiest of psychological torture and then some! Don't even get me started on the last 10% of the book! Most of that time was spent with my mouth open and going "huh?! What just happened!!!!". I gave it three stars on Goodreads. Well worth a read if you want something different to the usual kidnapping story.