A review by veryreaderie
Secrets of the Sands by Leona Wisoker


One of my main complaints about epic fantasy is that it's often not character-based enough for my taste, but that wasn't a problem here. There were only two points of view: a street thief who tries to pick a desert lord's pocket and ends up serving him, and a noblewoman sent to take care of that lord's desert fortress while he's away. While I always wanted to read whoever's chapter I just finished reading (and the book switched oh-so-faithfully between the two) I wasn't frustrated with the back and forth between POVs because both were enjoyable.

I know that introduction is dry, but I don't want to say too much: books are always their own best advertisement. One thing I really liked was the sense that the characters were scarred, but they didn't dwell on it too much. There was a sense of moving past the grisly detail of the past, which I enjoyed.

Furthermore, Secrets of the Sands has a theme (plot point?) I love and haven't seen done often enough, but it takes a while to get to it so I don't want to spoil anything. If you're okay with hearing a theme that only really shows up halfway through (though of course it's led up to), here it is:
SpoilerHumans not being the first 'intelligent' creatures to inhabit the world, and having to deal with another type of sentient life.

It was great to get lost in this world for a while. Very enjoyable book that I'd recommend to any epic fantasy lover.
SpoilerAlso to people who like finding a random smiley face smushed into the text. What?
I'm looking forward to reading the next installment.