A review by sandygx260
The Fate of Mercy Alban by Wendy Webb


This novel has a huge case of characterplotitist. Characters perform painfully silly stunts to move along the plot. Seriously, it’s like the cliché horror movie where everyone wanders off on their own. I kept muttering “you have got to be fucking kidding me!” The inconsistencies also drag down the read. One example: near the beginning of the novel, main character Grace Alban claims she searched the entire manor for a crucial item, but toward the end Grace describes she hasn’t visited the entire third floor for years. Lady, make up your mind.

In addition, characters halt in the midst of revealing crucial details. Does the listener scream “get on with it already?” Of course not, they allow the other character trail off to answer the phone or bake bread. “I was about to reveal the name of the murder but I need to make breakfast. See ya!”

Grace lives in Seattle. Her mother, who she loves, lives in Minnesota. Grace hasn’t seen her mother for twenty years because she doesn’t like the old family manor. What? Her mother never visited Grace? They never met up and took a vacation together? Ridiculous. Also at first I thought Grace’s daughter Amity was ten. When I found out she’s sixteen it amazed me. Grace treats her like she’s ten. No wonder Amity resents her.

Don’t get me started about the manor’s elderly staff, whom, if they told the truth to Grace from square one, could have solved the mystery in a blink. I’d fire their old asses. “Sorry, I saw the old psycho, but didn’t bother to warn you. Oooops!”

I also never appreciate characters telling me how scary everything is when it’s not scary. “This is creepy, correct? Don’t you think it’s creepy? Come on, I’m telling you this is creepy. You will agree with me or else I break out the thumbscrews!”

I could go on but I think I established a few of the problems I have with this uneven novel.