A review by beautyandthebookdragon
The Queen's Assassin by Melissa de la Cruz


Things I Loved about this Book:
- Casual mention of LGBQT couples - Yes! That’s awesome. Love that these were no big deals.
- Filipina author writing romantsy - YES! I don’t know many/any Filipinos that write my favorite genre so I was kind of stoked to read this book.
- Girl wants to become an assassin and not some lady at court - Oh hell yes! Let’s do it!!!
- Court intrigue, plot twists, and talk of assassination were heavy throughout this book. Trying to figure out the politics and the world map made me think a little more than I normally would with an audiobook.

Things I Did Not Love about this Book:
- The audiobook had the narrators speaking in accents when the characters spoke out loud. It felt so weird. Why would your outside voice be different than your inner voice?
- I have strong feelings about some of the plot twists. The kind of feelings that make me not want to finish a book. Luckily, these happened closer to the end of the book so I pushed through to the end but…
- The ending makes me want to throw things. Without saying more, I’m not really ok with the ending.