A review by etinney
Invisible Things by Jenny Davidson


First the good parts: I have not read The Explosionist in a long time, and I was concerned that I would not understand anything that was going on. Luckily, Davidson recounted all of the important stuff that happened, so I was good. I was very intrigued at the beginning of the novel. Sophie was adorable and VERY intelligent (it was kind of scary). The political intrigue was very interesting, and I like how the atomic bomb fits into the alternative history of the novel. The book kept me engaged very nicely, especially about Mikael. At the beginning, Mikael sounded like the cutest person I have ever seen. When they kissed in the lake, I flipped out in cuteness. THEY ARE SO ADORABLE. But after the explosion at the party... the story went downhill.

At some parts, the plot dragged on and on and on and on. Then, it would pick up in tripletime and suddenly she is in a new place. I honestly think if the book were longer, we wouldn't have these problems because she would have time to more thoroughly explain why Mikael's personality changed. Also, Davidson was not consistent with that. He would be really nice; then he would suddenly be a buttface. Also, she and these really influential famous people seemed to be extremely loosely connected. All of the revealations were saved for the ending of the book. Then suddenly... Mikael is spontaneously better with what I think was a special puzzle and then it ended. WHAT? They didn't even kiss or anything, which sounds stupid, I know, but that just another loose end. Also, did anyone think the Snow Queen thing was random? I thought the main focus of the book was policy and physics, not fairytales. I personally would have liked to read about what happened with Elsa and Nobel. There were just a lot of loose ends. I actually hope there is another book because I want some of these questions answered.

Overall: 3 out of 5 stars for keeping me intriguied.

Cover: Random, much? I didn't picture Sophie like that at all. I pictured her more like the girl on the cover of The Explosionist.