A review by kingjason
Ivy Feckett is Looking for Love: A Birmingham Romance by Jay Spencer Green


I see what Mr Green is trying here, he is testing the waters, it's been about 2000 years since the first book was released, is the world ready for the sequel to the bible? Here is an sample of what he has been working on:

"And Reagan begat Saddam, and Bush begat Saddam, and Saddam begat war, and Bush begat war, and Bush begat Osama, and Osama begat war, and Bush begat Bush, and Bush begat war, and war begat war.
Hypocrites 9:11"

If the rest of his bible is gonna be of that class then I'm signing up for membership to his cult.

The book contains a brilliant group of characters, the Nerdy Ivy, the best friend Sam, sexy Caroline, awesome Nana, a couple of super sluts and the biggest knob in the literary world (Ned).

The editing is super slick as with his previous book, I could find no fault, no plot holes and no pointless paragraphs. What I did find was myself smirking and getting looks asking what the hell was so funny. I won't say anything about the story, you need to go get yourself a copy and find out for yourself. I'm not a fan of romance stories but this is such a good book you can't help but love it.

Book review > https://felcherman.wordpress.com/2019/04/12/ivy-feckett-is-looking-for-love-a-birmingham-romance-by-jay-spencer-green/