A review by theundecidedcat
Harmony by Whitney Hanson


3.5 stars*

A lovely read but I do feel like I would have liked this more in the past than I did now. Reminds me quite a bit of Rupi Kaur. Part of the reason this book took me a while is that it was about grief and when I first picked it up I didn’t know that and then I started to experience my own grief and then I found myself not wanting to continue the book because I didn’t want to confront my own feelings of grief. I am glad I continued it though because in a way it felt healthy to read something like this at that/this time and while confronting and sad, it was also quite healing and soothing. I do feel like similar to most modern poetry books, the book would be better enjoyed by reading one poem at a time but I didn’t do that. I did take my time with it though. It’s definitely a good one to read if you are going through grief, if you like sad books or you like poetry books.