A review by denizyildiz
Smart, Sexy and Secretive by Tammy Falkner


2.5 Stars

So while the series started with unique characters and a sweet storyline...it's sequel and the second part of Emily's and Logan's story took a speed train to cliche-ville.
Don't get me wrong this is still well written, I still like the brothers, nope thats wrong, I adore them. BUT even that could not stop the ensuing eye rolling as the plot went from cute and different to I-know-each-freakn-turn... and to be fair, I felt quite alright about the predictable and all that for about 80% - then the "big" twist/tragedy ensued and well frankly it was a huge disappointment- suddenly all is well? WTH? How?
Again don't get me wrong, I loved the end. But I just did expect more than the fluff I got in this book. I expected the great character builiding that Falkner gave us in Tall, Tatted and Tempting. But sadly that didn't happen. I got instead very corny and uber-cliche rich people thrown into the fold. I mean the father and the ex- were really really over the top cliche. And I seriously found it grating - then the sudden change of heart of BOTH of them. Why would the ex suddenly fess-up? It made no sense to me.
Saying alll this though- I am so going to read the other books, cause I still love the Reed Brothers and Falkner can write. I also gotta admit that I had huge - massive expectations and it might be a tad hard to meet them - hence I rounded the rating up....
wish me luck for the next book :D