A review by bookishsappho
The Road Home by Erin Zak



This book was so much more than I expected. Going into it, I was wary, as the concept of the mother having incurable cancer scared me a lot and I knew it would be a hard-hitting read. But this was so incredible, and the story will stay with me for a long time.
I loved the setting of this book, the sense of community created through the volleyball team and the group of friends was super endearing. I always enjoy books where there is sport incorporated and this one was done flawlessly to ensure that it was a big part of the book but did not overshadow any of the important themes discussed throughout.
Gwen is a really relateable, raw character, and seeing how much she grows from start to finish in this book, I almost felt like a proud mother. She had a lot to overcome in order to learn to forgive people, and the positive therapy representation is always something I'm thankful for in books.
The dynamic between Lila, Gwen and Carol is unlike anything else. I hadn't ever read a book with a familial situation like this before and it truly warmed my heart at points. The sense of support and love that came from this family really drove the story forward.
It was very painful to read this book, I won't lie. Cancer is horrid, and this book makes sure that it is know. While talking about how cancer draws the life out of a person, I was thankful for the few good days that were focused on, and it made it a lot easier to understand all of the character's feelings.
The relationship between Lila and Gwen is ADORABLE. A little odd, sure, but the chemistry is there from before they even meet and being able to see their relationship blossom was such a heart-warming experience.
The ending of this book broke my heart, I rarely cry at books but this one was so beautiful and I cried at multiple points.
Overall, I loved this story, even though it hurt me to read. I think talking about cancer and making sure it's done in an educative way is so important, and there is a lesson to be learnt for everyone within this book somewhere.