A review by marryannas
Fallen in Love by Lauren Kate


Fallen in Love is a set of four short-stories told by different characters of the series, namely Shelby, Roland, Arriane and ... freakin'Luce...?

Why? Isn't the other books enough? Why do we need to read about her in an anthology-kind-of when we have other people's point-of-view?

See? Completely unnecessary!

Well, let's start with the bottom of the barrel. Supposedly the plot is set between Passion and all of the stories are connected. Kinda nice, I think... At least they are not loose pages in the middle of a book.

We start reading about Shelby and Miles, and God, they were boring. Classroom-boring. No, no, let me rephrase that: there are some classes I prefer than reading about them again. Such as P.E.. And I hate P.E..

Their number one problem is a hat. A cap, to be exact. Something you can get anywhere in present times. But noooooo, they go in a lot of trouble because of it.

I didn't feel a lot of chemistry between them, which didn't help, because I was supposed to be reading about love. In Valentine's Day. Is everyone so plain and dull in this particular time of the year?

Next we get Roland. I didn't remember much of him in the other books, to be honest. He didn't really catch my eye. But he was a nice character. Loving and caring, and what the fact he didn't became a total jerk in the end of his antenna time own it for me.

After, we read about Arriane and her loving interest, Tess. I thought they also got a good relationship going on but

Spoiler I didn't know she was a lesbian!

Yeah, that surprised me a bit. Overall, I liked what she did for love. Was totally gruesome, but nice. Shows she got some compassion in her.

And, after all this, we get freakin' Luce. To be honest, her short-story was kinda cute ... only the last five pages. To get there, you need to read a lot about dancing, and dresses, and her undeveloped friends and family. Daniel was barely in it!

But, when you close the book, you look into the deepest part of your soul and say

Why haven't we talked about him and his sweetheart? Why?! It was Valentine's Day, why didn't he got his moment? He's not that cold-hearted. The guy deserves for all he has been through! Sure, he appears in some of the stories, but he is just a sub-character!