A review by bookishlykenia
A River of Royal Blood by Amanda Joy


4.5 star rating!

I really enjoyed this book, it was fast paced and the idea of the heir was well written I think. How the sisters had such a bond and then changed once they found out what had to be done. Our main character had growth and she was strengthen throughout the journey that is by far not over.

We see her become weak to become strong. I’m excited to see her evolve even more in the next book.

One thing only that I didn’t like but wasn’t a big deal was the main character had said something I don’t think suited her character. Like the voice I invisioned while reading the book was different from what she says and it thought that scene was off a bit. But it was only that one scene. I don’t want to spoil anyone so I’ll just leave it at that.

But gosh this was really good and it helped me out of my slump!